Organic Stews - Ready Made
Taste Jamaica is absolutely thrilled to add an array of vegan and organic products to our marketplace. Our healthier treat and vegan selections are courtesy of Eden Joy Whole Foods. Her company is infamously known for their exquisitely spiced and gluten free Nutmongundy, soups, mac n sheese (yes Sheese lol), beans, porridges, ashams, sweet potato and breadfruit waffles, dumpling mixes as well as carob teas, dried fruits and so much more!….She can also be found in the local shops at the Norman Manley and Sangsters airports in Jamaica so you know they’re a big deal…Her infamous stews include lentil beans, red peas, and chili beans. When you add any type of nut milk to these meals they are an absolute treat! With that said they are ready made so adding water or nut milk after preparing it is all you need. Pure strength- NO WEAKNESS ROUN ERE!
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